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Latest News and Information

We have regular events to strengthen parental links and to raise money for our charity pre-school.  


We are very proud to share our latest Ofsted report (May 2024). Please have a read through to find out what the inspector thought of our preschool. 


Dates for the Diary

  • Coming soon: Annual Fundraising Quiz


Easy Fundraising

This is a really easy way to support us with fundraising for our lovely preschool- places we shop at week on week can give us funds without realising.


If you sign up using the link and shop as normal it helps us to raise funds. Please sign up and shop away! It costs nothing and it’s something you do without realising it….ie your food shop, yet we can benefit from that. Thank you! 

Fundraising News

In December 24, we had our first fundraiser with cash prizes! The Christmas Cash Squares raised a brilliant £150 for preschool. Well done to all of the lucky winners! 

new toys.jpg

Some new resources and toys purchased with money raised at the summer fete.

On Sunday 2nd July, the Pre-School hosted the Summer Fete at Frettenham Village Hall. The sunshine didn't make an appearance, but lots of fun was had. Thank you to everybody who supported this event, but particularly to Laura Ferris for her huge organisational effort, and the staff and committee members who volunteered their time to help fundraise. The Fete raised an amazing £960, which will be put with some grant money we have received, to purchase new furniture, toys and outdoor equipment for preschool. 

On the 11th May we held our Quiz and Chips night. It was a brilliant night and it was fantastic to see it so well supported. The quiz, raffle and refreshments raised over £300. The staff are busy putting together an order of new sensory toys for the children to enjoy. A huge thank you to Laura L, Annie and everyone else who helped organise this event. 

Our Easter Squares fundraiser proved very popular again this year! A grand total of £250 was raised, which is being used to purchase some new books, audio books and outdoor equipment.

Thank you to Laura L for organising

Valentine's Cake Sale

We raised a brilliant £65 from our Valentine's cake sale. Thank you to those who provided cakes 

Christmas Fayre
The Christmas Faye was fantastically supported. We raised an amazing £1019. Keep checking this page to find out what we used the money for.

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